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  • 基准单价:
    营利性:¥2600(Adults)/Unit  ¥1600(Embryos)/Unit  ¥6000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
    非营利性:¥1300(Adults)/Unit  ¥800(Embryos)/Unit  ¥3000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
  • 友情提示:为保证传代质量,野生型种鱼不支持少量订购,10对起订
  • 特别提醒:“Availability”(品系提供方式)为“Frozen Sperm”的品系仅提供由冻存精子复苏的胚胎,不支持Adult/Embryos购买,下单时请务必选择Frozen Sperm,以免订单无效,耽误您的时间。
  • 服  务:由 国家斑马鱼资源中心 发货。
  • * 本收费用于补助CZRC所发生的运行和人工成本。
CZRC Catalog ID: CZ63
Availability: Embryos/Adults
Genotype: is5Tg/+
Genotyping: pdf
Genomic Feature Zygosity Parental Genotype Lab of Origin Construct
is5Tg heterozygous Essner Lab Tg(kdrl:mCherry)
Endothelial tubulogenesis is a crucial step in the formation of functional blood vessels during angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. The transgenic line is a in-vivo model to define a novel cord hollowing process that occurs during the initial stages of tubulogenesis in intersegmental vessels (ISVs) in the embryo.mCherry-b-Actin fusion proteins specifically in endothelial cells using the kdrl promoter. In polarized epithelial and endothelial cells, Actin is enriched at both the apical membrane and adherens junctions. Similar patterns of localization for mCherry-b-Actin fusion proteins were observed in epithelial cells in the zebrafish otic vesicle. Additionally, mCherry-b-Actin localized to putative Actin filaments in the periderm.
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